OK ... I admit it! Since my card making muse has decided to make herself scarce I have been on a sewing kick. I have to be doing something ALL of the time. I go through phases and for the past month or so it has been a sewing phase. I thought it would pass rather quickly since I sew 8 hours a day at my job.
(I work at The Men's Wearhouse as a Tailor). But it seems to be hanging on. When I go to my craft room to paper craft I find myself going through patterns and fabrics. And of course the Grandkids get wind of it and request me to make them something ... What kind of Grandma would I be if I didn't honor their wishes?!? LOL Anyway I have decided that in between cards I would start showing you some of my sewing projects.
The one I have for you today was a request from Dalton (another one). He's my loving, adorable youngest Grandson. He is turning 7 on Saturday (tomorrow). He loves to help his Mommy cook and decided he needed an apron of his very own.
Home Spun Threads now has all of her patterns for free. Yep .. FREE. If you sew then you must go over there and see what she has. I used her
Little Chef Patterns and here is the result:
Please forgive my photography ... I took this picture on my washer about 2:00 AM so I could get it shipped in time for his birthday. Besides I am a night owl and that's when I do all of my projects....
Anyway he should get it today and I asked his Mommy to please please get a pic of him in it. Besides .. if he really likes it I might have to make him different ones. And if he cooks like I do he'll need plenty so he can have a clean one!! I'll be sure and show it to you. :)
Thanks for letting me ramble about my sewing and my awesome Grandson. Have a Great Day!!!!!